date -d “215 days ago” +%m.%d.%Y
date -d “215 days ago” +%m.%d.%Y
Here’s a good tool I found for creating the date. A visual helper..
history | awk ‘{print $2}’| awk ‘BEGIN {FS=”|”} {print $1}’| sort| uniq -c | sort -r
You may need to modify the first print $2 point to your column that has all your commands if you run a non-default history like I do.
$ sudo mkdir -p project/{lib/ext,bin,src,doc/{html,info,pdf},demo/stat/a}
Will create this
-- project
— stat
|-- bin
|-- demo
| -- a
— pdf
|-- doc
| |-- html
| |-- info
|– lib
| -- ext
— src
Lately been struggling with quotes and getting my variables working correctly inside the quotes.  With more precisely variables followed directly by text without spaces.  Like updating sudoers files the end result I want, to take whatever groups are in sudoers now and append _ldap to them using only bash echo.
%testgroup1Â ALL=(ALL) ALL
%testgroup1_ldap ALL=(ALL) ALL
use strong quotes around everything except the variable
echo ‘%’$GROUP’_ldap ALL=(ALL) ALL’ >> /some/file